Prime lens or fixed focal length
Prime lens is a lens that only has one focal range that can not zoom. Famous prime lens for portraits, sports activities and others. Several prime lenses are often known and frequently used the 50mm, 85mm, 135mm, and 300mm.

Standard Zoom Lenses
This lens is called lens disering streets. These lenses usually have a focal range of 16-85mm. Focal range is very flexible and 80% of your photos using the possibility of snap this lens. Example: Canon 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS, Nikon 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 VR, Nikon 16-85mm f/3.5-5.6 VR, Pentax 16-50mm f/2.8 and so on.

Wide Angle Zoom
Wide Angle zoom lens is a popular lens for landscape or architectural photography because of the ability of this lens to capture a broad field with a dynamic perspective. Example: Sigma 10-20mm, Canon EF-S 10-22mm, Tokina 12-24mm, and so on.

Telephoto zoom
This telephoto lens can make objects far away seem closer. Very popular with wildlife photographers, sport, fotojurnalistik and many more. This lens is also popular for its ability to photograph in the background bekalang compressing so your model look more pleasing to the eye. Telephoto lens is usually prone to vibration, therefore telephoto zoom lens with image stabilization is recommended. Example: Canon 55-250mm IS, Sony 70-200mm f/2.8, Pentax 65-250mm f / 4, Sigma 50-500mm and so on.
Superzoom lens (lens brush universe)
This lens is like a combination of standard zoom lens with a telephoto zoom. Lens focal range is very wide, from 18mm to 200mm telephoto with some even up to 270mm. Therefore, this lens is very popular for walks lens and travel. Ideal for people who do not want the lens changing. Lack of this lens is the optical quality is generally not a standard lens seprima or telephoto lens.

Macro lens
Macro lens is the ideal lens to take close-ups or detail shot of the objects are small, such as jewelry, flowers, insects, and so on. Macro lens capable of raising an object to be photographed and catch details and sharp colors. Macro lens for portraits sometimes used as macro lens focal range is usually around 90-200mm. But many who do not like the portrait photos by using a macro lens because it is too sharp, so that imperfections in the skin become too ketara in photographs. In general, a good macro lens zoom lens but not prime.
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